haha, every1 hav fun, rite !!! me either !
i went 2 firm wif my uncle n cousin
we went 2 c a giant big fish...4gt it's name oredy ==
we threw many bread, bt there is nth happen
until we saw it's big big fin appear on d surface
n then we target it's head n threw d bread
it's mouth open wide ... garh!!!!!
it was freakin us out !!!!!
bt after dat we're stil looking 4 d other shot of it !
n then we went 2 a nearby waterfall
after having lunch......
we went out again !!!
we went 2 a.....??? hot spring ???
i never been there b4...i felt curious...
malaysia didn't hav volcano ... isn't it ?
haha...later on i finally figure it out
the heat energy frm is came from the mantle ? mayb...
hmm...n there's a bad smell too
i'll let u c d pics
hmm...its looks like....a fish pond !!!! haha
can u imagine when we put our legs inside the 'fish pond' ?
there r 3 ponds
there r divided by their saiz
the smallest one is the hottest !!!!
u dun even want 2 touch it !!
bt u cn c through d water clearly
i heard dat the water inside dat pond cn drink !!!
i guest no 1 gonna try it....
the medium 1 is warm
we put our legs in it....
the biggest 1 is hot bt not hot as the smallest 1 !!
these days keep playing warcraf!!
n oso, i'm watching SHONEN ONMYOUJI

is a nice anime series
n i'm just finish it within 2 days !!!
hmm....wat shall i choose next ?
bt stil i haven't watch finish the LE CHEVALIER DEON !!!
n i decided 2 watch TWILIGHT...again =)
[yoh...i wan 2 watch NEW MOON n 2012 !!!]
talk about 2012....
will u believe dat d world will end in 2012 ?
hmm....i duno XD
bt i believe god will judge his ppl 1 day....
[ god has NO TIME !!]
u c....
when u read the newspaper everyday...
u will c suicide, robbers, kidnap, murder.....
n oso sum terible disaster.....
so...nowdays ppl really change...
pray 4 world peace !
[ this is juz my thought.... ]
i'm going 2 ZOO 2moro !!!
n i'm going 2 Cameron Highland...again XD
hope dat i will nt catch a cold !!!!
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