a story beyond imagination...
there's always a chance for you to discover...
let it be upon you and me =)

From The Author

No one will cry for you.

It's you, who cry for yourself


REMAIN the same...for now

last monday? i forgot...
i absent from school
i went to the doctor for x-ray and body check
it was my ?? times to the doctor
met different doctors, different advises and different courages too
i was happy...
because i knew i'm gonna be fine after all

taking x-ray 2 times
(it taken at least 10,0000 of my body cell... i think)
then went to the doctor
i was fine, really
[please come back after 6 months]
okay, at least now i'm fine, no big deal

ps: i'm still in the PMR WAR, still fighting with all my friend, i'm happy

1 comment:

  1. haha.. joey.. let u boom dou..
    stil in pmr war stil happy d worhh
    haha.. im hapy bcuz ure fine now~ ^^
